Saturday, February 6, 2010

Teenagers Are Amusing

they just don't think like normal humans...for instance, little boy #1 spends 10 minutes a day "sexifying" his hair...but he never remembered to wear deodorant until he set his watch alarm up as a reminder...problem solved...

then there's the underwear situation...for years, i have purchased twice as much underwear as needed, knowing that they will wear my "good" underwear to their dad's house...and when the "evil dad underwear" returns, i throw the ill-fitting things's been a good system...

until this year when little boy #1 decided that he will only wear a specific type of boxers...i purchased said boxers, expecting that my underwear would be depleted over time & that i'd have to replenish the big deal...except the underwear drawer wasn't being was very puzzling...

this week, little boy #1 told me that he wore the same pair of underwear 3 days in a row while at his dad's house, because his dad didn't have the correct kind of underwear...i stood there blinking at him, as he protested that he took a shower each day, so it was okay!!! more blinking on my part, followed by an unintentional "ewwwwww..."

his dad took him out to purchase underwear last night... : P

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