Sunday, February 1, 2009

20 Things You Didn't Know About Me

1) I am morally conflicted about silk…I used to have this naïve idea about how the silk worms made their cute little cocoons and after they emerged, people unwrapped the silk…but that isn't how it works at all…as soon as the caterpillars finish spinning their cocoons, they are immersed (alive) in boiling water, because if they emerge, they will cut through the silk fiber, ruining its commercial use...

my issue is this...i don't believe in killing an animal, unless you intend to make full use of the remains...i have a big problem with people buying fur coats, made by the fur industry, because of how those animals are treated...i do not have a problem with people who trap, who eat the little bunnies (or whatever) and who then tan/sell the furs, even if the those furs are eventually made into coats...

my moral conflict about silk is that roasted silk worms are a foodstuff in, in theory, nothing is going to waste...but silk worms are not part of my diet (now or in the future)...and somehow it doesn't seem appropriate for me to wear silk for that reason...

2) to further complicate matters, I believe that the only other valid reason for killing an animal is if it is threatening you…I often watch my feet when I'm walking so that I won't step on an insect…I grossed out a friend last year because while we were walking around the parking lot, i picked up a praying mantis to relocate it to a (hopefully safe) grassy area...i relocated some ladybugs that got in the building for the same reason...

mosquitoes fall into the threatening do ticks...(even if they aren't touching me...)

spiders...that's difficult...logically, i know that they are good...however, i'm TERRIFIED of them...that's a very fine line for a spider to balance, without getting squashed...

3) I still have an irrational fear of getting swept out to sea and being eaten by a shark…

4) lolcats make me laugh hysterically…

5) I sacrifice my own wants and needs to those of my children to a degree that they will never comprehend…

6) I have a large scar on my left hand because I used a sickle incorrectly as a child…(a sickle is sort of like a short-handled scythe…)

7) I adore monarch butterflies...last summer I planted milkweed in my garden to attract the caterpillars…(it worked)…and i was very happy that my boys were able to experience watching a monarch emerge from its chrysalis…

but it was a strange moral experience at the same time...i planted milkweed so that the caterpillars would have something to eat...yet i was raised (probably like most people) that it's a bad thing if insects decimate plants in your garden...i had to keep reminding myself that the goal was the animal and not the plant...

8) I think grass is a homogenous, green desert…it is devoid of reduces biodiversity…and it enslaves modern man to chemicals and pointless yard work…(not all yard work is pointless, just the part that involves caring for grass)...

if i had my way, i'd rip it all out and replace it with a short flowery mix of violets, maybe some clover, and a bunch of spring beauties (which are a tiny white flower with pink veins on the petals...)

9) I have poor eye contact because of a guy named Mickey…at the time, I had an eye condition called GPC (Giant Papillary Conjunctivitis)…amongst other things, it caused my eyes to quickly build up deposits on my contacts…these deposits looked like tiny white dots...

once upon a time, i was flirting with Mickey at the bus stop, and he was just one of those people who was absurdly a VERY LOUD VOICE, in front of all my classmates, he said, "did you know that you have dots on your eyes???"

i was horribly embarrassed, and the fact of the matter was that, yes, i did know that i had dots on my eyes...but i couldn't afford another pair of $300 contacts (disposables didn't exist back then)...and the lenses on my glasses were really thick, plus my glasses made me look my solution was to not look people square in the eye...i've never really broken that habit...

10) I am happiest when I am stomping around in Bear Creek (outside of Ottumwa, IA) with my boys, reminiscing about how my dad used to do that with me…

11) my dad committed suicide when he was 41…I will be 41 this year…

12) I broke off my front tooth in a sledding accident in 7th grade…I crawled around in the snow trying to find it, thinking that they could glue it back on…(I wasn't able find it, and the dentist told me that he couldn't have glued it back on anyway…)

13) I am not allergic to shrimp/crab/lobster, although I say that I am…in reality, I have a severe intolerance…and it's just easier to explain it as an allergy…

14) My home computer shouts "Inconceivable!" (from the Princess Bride) when I make a mistake…it says "You're all clear kid! Now let's blow this thing and go home!" (Han Solo from Star Wars) when I shut it down…

15) my favorite movie quote of all time is: "Hello! My name is Inigo Montoya! You Killed My Father! Prepare to Die!"

16) I think it's cool that my dog actually understands what I'm saying, even if his vocabulary is limited…

17) if I could do my life over, I would have been a paleontologist…

18) I am fascinated with any clear object that contains visible moving parts…I can relate to the guy from the Flight of the Conchords who said that his favorite color was "transparent"…

19) I think everybody should kiva…it's just the right thing to do…

20) last of all, thanks to facebook, I now have 3 friends named Barbara [Something Italian]…isn't that crazy???

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